- You are an Italian dj & producer aka Submantra: how did u choose your artistic name?
My artistic name comes from the fusion of two words SUB and MANTRA. The beginning of all is the name mantra, that it refers to the Buddhist religion’s prays, but I chose this name, because in the 2004 I have collaborated with music groups of the Tibet and producing musical bases I tried to find a deep/sub side in the Tibetian mantra. From the binomial of these two important words, that they have started my carrier of producer, it comes the artistic name Submantra. - We know you from your productions and remixes on italian’s great label like Irma: which one have been the most successful?
There are a lot of my works that they have been published by IRMA RECORDS, but also by sublabel of IRMA, such as Soul deeparture Records, that is a music label that I manage from years with my associate DJ Umbi. Surely some of my remixes have had more successful on dance-floor and on web radio, that they play our music genre. These are : my remix FOUND LOVE by Double Dee belonging to the Hit of old the 90’s. I have proposed again a House version of this famous track belonging to the first 90’s Dance House. In this remix the track have been resung by talented Ely Bruna. Another memorable remix that I made last year and that it gave me a lot of satisfactions receving many positives feedbacks by Djs all over the world is the track Papik feat. Bengi & Stefy Gamboni – Brivido Felino (Submantra Cocktail chant remix). We also should not forget many other remixes, that I and Umbi together have made for Don Carlos, such as Take me Higher singing by the queen of the House Music, Michelle Weeks. - Do you consider or feel yourself more a producer or a Dj?
Honest? I consider me more Dj ! Because, I have begun to play with disks in the faraway 1993, when I was 13. Playing with the first vinyls at home it was a fantastic play for me, that it caught my attention more and more, almost as a drug. This my passion has developed in the years and it has improved myself professionally, carrying me to have a lot of experiences in Clubs and Discos of my city ( oriental Sicily). Since I have begun to produce my music and I have succeeded to make me know all over the world thanks to the publications with the Major, I have spread my circle of events, going also to over my loved Sicily. - Do you have your own recording studio?
Yes, I have a little home study that I call it Orange study, because the walls and the furniture are of orange colour. These colours make me happiness and to work with happiness it inspires me for right grooves. LOL - Your typical day in the sunny sicily 😀.
My typical Sicily’s day I live it for the most of time in my Orange studio, dedicating to my productions, searching more and more to improve me and to gift to my followers right grooves. I also spend a lot of time to listen to music generally and this helps me a lot to inspire me. I listen to many promos, that I receive daily in my e-mail and I also manage deep music house demos that arrive in Soul Departure’s e-mail. When I want to relax me, I go for a long walk with my dog in the little woods near my house. Instead, when I can, in the weekend, I love to go in the Mediterranean coast, where I love to spend the nights to fish under the stars of the Marina di Ragusa’s sea. - What is your big dream?
If we talk about music, I can say that I have already realised a lot of my dreams, because I would never have thought to be arrived at these levels, such as to collaborate with particular people and to succeed a day to publish by you Purple Music. You will not believe, but I have got almost your music vinyl collection. For me it was a dream to publish my production with Purple Music , instead I have succeeded and for me this is a pride, I always say it. - How is the house/underground scene in your city?
Catania is not a good city for the House/Underground scene. My city is a good city for Electro House Music, that I sincerely do not follow a lot. There are clubs, where you can play real house, the house that it like us, but these are little aperitive’s clubs. I hope that change something in the future. - Who /what inspires you?
Jamie Lewis! For me he is a the only MASTER ! I have always inspired me to him. I love his productions, his remixes, his way of being ‘’Purple’’ and I am happy that I also belong to your family. - Three of your qualities as person are:
Romantic, nostalgic and mad of music! lol - What we can expect from you next ?
There are several things ready that they will published in the next months. Soon two beautiful remixes will published by IRMA. One of these it is the remix that I have made to Soultrend Orchestra. The track is called Kings of the dance-floor and I have made a soulful re-edit that soon you will dance and hear. Instead, the second remix will be Neja – This is your life (Submantra soulful re-edit).

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